Frase del dia

En mi corazón he guardado tus dichos,
Para no pecar contra ti.

Bet (Salmo 119:11):

sábado, 3 de marzo de 2018


Well-being Christian Academy

Well-Being Christian Academy, the first  initiative of the  FUNDACION BIENESTAR EN ACCION (WELL-BEING IN ACCION FOUNDATION), has the following specific objectives:

1. Contribute to the development and socio-intellectual spirit of children and adolescents in need.

2. Create a space for children to receive a quality bilingual education.

3. Project English as the business language that today's generation requires for a better future in the labor market.

4. Arouse the interests of children and adolescents, involving them in socio-spiritual activities to develop their English skills.
If  you need more information about our project just let us know.

The academy is managed by the Fundacion Bienestar en Accion (FBA) , we are actually looking for sponsors for our kids. If you are interested in helping please , leave your email , we  will  contact you  , or e-mail  us directly at Thank you God bless you.